Accommodation: 78 crew (13 officers, 65 enlisted), 220-person evacuation limit
Classification: Medium-range Scientific Explorer
Production Start Date: 2368
Production End Date: Still in Production
Expected Hull Life: 120 years
Length: 165 meters
Width: 62 meters
Height: 34 meters
Decks: 8
Mass: 127,000 metric tons
11 x Type-VIII phaser arrays
3 x burst-fire tubes (2 fore, 1 aft)
Defensive Systems
Multi-phasic Shield System
Standard Duranium/Tritanium Single Hull
Standard Level Structural Integrity Field
Auxiliary Craft
1 x Integrated Craft (Captain's Yacht)
3 x Type-8 Shuttlecraft
2 x Type-9 Shuttlecraft
2 x M1-A1 Workbees
Transporter Systems
2 x 6-person General Purpose
1 x Cargo
Warp Speeds
Standard Cruise: Warp 6
Maximum Cruise: 8
Maximum Rated: Warp 9 (for 20 hours)
Refit Cycle
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 1 year
Major: 6 years
These specifications were taken from the Daystrom Institute Technical Library ( and may not match other sources. Modifications to torpedo launchers, shields, and warp speeds are by use of creative license and exclusive to the U.S.S. Journey.