Tales of the 11th Fleet

These stories are companions to Star Trek: Sanctuary, as they feature ships of the 11th Fleet as well as officers who helped keep things running smoothly behind the scenes.


"Exit Strategy" The Maquis ship that escaped from Sanctuary with Starfleet officer-turned-criminal Rkasi Cen is chased down by the Columbia, and one of the prisoners shows that he still has a trick or two up his sleeve. (Columbia short story, PG, May 2011)

"Emotional Lessons" Commander Silmar's son learns valuable lessons on emotions and mistakes. (Columbia short story, G, May 2011)

"The Gathering of Glory" Secrets and danger lay in store for the crew of the Starship Wolfsong when they're tasked with shutting down a brutal race's vicious kidnapping and hunting of innocent lives. (Wolfsong novella, PG-13, 2011 or 2012)

"Pride and Prejudice" Columbia's crew learns about the liaison program, which doesn't sit well with tactical officer Rokha Tyrel. His dislike of Cardassians means having one on board will prove a challenge, both to his ability to remain professional and Captain Regan's ability to remain patient with his attitude. [Note: The opening of this story takes place before "The Trouble with Women", while the majority of it takes place after.](Columbia short novel, PG-13, July 2011)

"The Proposal" Valerie Markham does her best to command the 11th Fleet during Tattok's absence, and one young officer looks to the future. (short story, G, 2014)
