Length: 467 m
Width: 185 m
Height: 100 m
Decks: 28
Mass: 2,350,000 metric tons
Warp Speeds
Standard Cruise: Warp 6
Maximum Cruise: Warp 8.6
Maximum Rated: Warp 9 (for 12 hours)
12 x Type-XIII Phaser Banks
4 x Burst-fire Torpedo Launchers
Defensive Systems
High Capacity Shield System
Standard Duranium Double Hull
Standard Level Structural Integrity Field
Auxiliary Craft
2 x Type-11 Shuttlecraft
4 x Type-9 Shuttlecraft
4 x Type-8 Shuttlecraft
4 x M1-A1 Work Bees
2 x Sphinx Work Pods
Transporter Systems
6 x 6-person General Use
3 x 22-person Emergency Use
3 x Cargo
Refit Cycle
Minor: 2 years
Standard: 2 years
Major: 18 years
specifications were taken from the Daystrom Institute Technical Library and may not match other sources.