General Information
Origin: Earth -- International Lunar Commission (Alternate Reality)
Accommodation: 1 to 2 crew, up to 12 evacuation limit
Accommodation: 1 to 2 crew, up to 12 evacuation limit
Class: Eagle
Vessel Type: Personnel Transporter
Production Start Date: 1992
Production End Date: 1999
Expected Hull Life: 20 years
Length: 23.16 m
Width: 9.2 m
Height: 1.54 m
Decks: 1
Mass: 328 tons
Standard: 27,942.4 mps (15% of speed of light)
Medium: 93,000 mps (50% of speed of light)
With Spine Booster: 149,026 mps (80% of speed of light)
Fixed Type-VIII
phaser turret under cockpit module
Extendable micro-torpedo
launcher in front of center section
Defensive Systems
Standard Shield
Low-Level Structural
Integrity Field
Stressed Aluminum/Tritanium Hull w/ Quartz and Silica Tiling
Auxiliary Craft
2 x Moon Buggy Wheeled Vehicles
Refit Cycle
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 1 year
Major: 5 years
There are five standard Eagle variants:
1.) The Transporter Eagle, designated Type A, is fitted with the standard passenger pod and is capable of holding 8 passengers (up to 12 in an emergency), in addition to the pilot and co-pilot. It is used for day to day transportation when special scientific equipment is not needed, and there is no anticipated danger.
2.) Equipped with a cargo pod, the Freighter Eagle is designated Type B, and used for transporting supplies and equipment to exploration teams on a planet's surface, and for the return elements vital to Alpha's environmental and reprocessing systems. They can also be used as space-borne tankers for the refueling of Eagles with insufficient reserves for the trip back to Alpha.
3.) Looking very similar to the transporter pod Eagles, Reconnaissance Eagles are designated as Type C, and come equipped with various types of sensory devices for exploratory missions. They also contain a computer that can either be tied into Alpha's master computer or work independently.
4.) Identifiable by the bold red stripes on the pod, Rescue Eagles are designated Type D, and have been adapted for field diagnosis and treatment of injury or disease that may be encountered on a planet's surface or in deep space. Manned by medical personnel, Rescue Eagles are equipped with mobile beds, patient-monitor units, and facilities for field surgery.
5.) With a modified version of the passenger pod equipped to serve as a remote laboratory, the Laboratory Eagle is designated Type E, and can be used to locate and refine crude minerals on the planet’s surface, eliminating the need to transport bulky raw ores back to Alpha. This pod also serves as a base for planetary-contact-and-survey teams. It can carry food and water and recycle air to support the team for several weeks.
Specialty Modules:
The Eagle can also accommodate several specialty modules, such as a winch. There is also an additional booster unit that can be added to the super-structure which can increase the range and power of the Eagle.
The armament and defensive systems of this vessel were upgraded to
Starfleet standard.
The original specifications were taken from the Moonbase Alpha Wiki and Space: 1999 Catacombs, and may not match other sources.