General Information
Origin: Alpha Luna
Accommodation: 2 crew (pilot and gunner)
Class: Sparrowhawk
Vessel Type: Atmospheric Fighter Craft
Production Start Date: 2379
Production End Date: Still in Production
Expected Hull Life: 20 years
Length: 13.5 m
Width: 16 m (full wingspan)
Height: 1.54 m
Decks: 1
Mass: 10.2 metric tons
Standard: 27,942.4 mps (15% of speed of light)
Maximum: 47,000 mps (25% of speed of light)
2 x Micro torpedo launchers
2 x Type-VIII Phaser cannons
Defensive Systems
Standard Shield System
Low-Level Structural Integrity Field
Stressed Aluminum/Tritanium Hull w/ Quartz and Silica Tiling
Refit Cycle
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 1 year
Major: 5 years
1.) The Sparrowhawk-class fighter was designed by Colonel Alan Carter of Alpha Luna and Lt. Charlaine Tucker of Starfleet. The idea was to make a smaller, more aerodynamic craft capable of maneuvering within the atmosphere of a planet for defensive purposes.
2.) The initial run of Sparrowhawk fighters were made from existing Eagle Transporter parts recovered from crashed vehicles. The weapons systems were upgraded to Starfleet standard.
3.) The dimensions of this craft are based on speculation. The ship was designed by Nick Macarty and is used with permission.